All posts tagged: workshop

5/11 – Yoga Workshop @ EVA`Z, Heemstede

– ”Dogs, Wolves and People” 😉 So many of the yoga postures are named after animals and nature.So many of the breathing excercises are named after nature and the elements. So many of us people feel we are missing nature in the busy city  – at the same time forgetting that we ARE nature. This breathing, moving, talking body of ours is nature. Nature changes, the seasons change, the body changes. Every moment there is change,  yet we seem to do our best to resist instead of getting in to the gist of this ever changing nature of life. Why J ? In this workshop we will go in to depth in to some of the excercises – breathing / pranayama, postures / asanas, meditation and relaxation / savasana that will bring us back to the nature of who we are, being able to move with the changes . Excercies that you can bring home and use whenever you´d like. All levels of yogis, wolves, dogs, trees and people are welcome ;-). Warm welcome! Sign …

Relaxing the Body, Quieting the Mind A Vijnana Yoga Workshop by Dick & Cecilia

Relaxing the Body, Quieting the Mind

– A Vijnana Yoga Workshop by Dick & Cecilia Haarlem 17/9, 13.00 A relaxed body becomes stable and quite. A quiet mind can see, hear, feel, sense, understand on a totally different level than we are used to operating on in daily life. This quite mind and this stable body are actually one and the same, making both acting and reacting without clenching, without holding on, possible. Leaving you with immeasurable possibilities ;-). Come join us in this Vijnana Yoga workhop in Haarlem with Dick Langenberg and Cecilia Götherström, where we dive deep in to the first two principles of Vijnana Yoga – Relaxing the Body, Quieting the Mind. Warm welcome to all levels of yogis! Dick & Cecilia Cecilia (  and Dick (  have been and still are studying, teaching, practicing and laughing together for more than 12 years now – nationally and internationally. C U on the mat! And bring all your questions 😉 ! When: Sunday 17/9 2017, 13.00 – 16.00 Where : Movement Studio Haarlem, Kinderhuissingel 4E Investment : EUR 45 …

Yoga Workshop – Kings & Queens Edition

”Long live the Queen, Long live the King!” Well, we say ”Long live the Yogi” ;-)! And the yogi does. Due to the practice of not only what is called the ”royal poses” , but indeed the entire ”royal” practice through the breathing, meditation, movement, postures and relaxation. So, what better time of the year can we have to play around with, immerse ourselves in and learn more about the practice of these ”royals” than this time in between Kings Day and what used to be Queens Day here in royally gorgous springtime NL? Come join us Saturday April 29th , 14.30- 17.30 in Movement Studio Haarlem, to start that elongation of your life! You will have two internationally certified Vijnana Yoga teachers guiding you through our journey in a safe, professional, caring and also fun way. Cecilia (  and Dick (  have both been studying, teaching, practicing and laughing together for more than 11 years now – nationally and internationally. C U on the mat! And bring all your questions 😉 ! When: Saturday …

Yoga Workshop ; The Essence Of Balance

Welcome to workshop # 2 this year by Dick Langenberg & Cecilia Götherström. This time around we delve deep in to The Essence Of Balance – physical, mental,  emotional, you name it – through the practice of Vijnana Yoga. We will sit/meditate , we will practice pranayama / breathing exercises and kriya´s / cleansing exercises, we will practice shavasana / guided relaxation at the end and we will move through postures /asanas  a looooooooooot! Balancings on less than two legs, on hands and feet, on two hands, on one hand and a foot, on your head, on your elbows, on maybe even more or less  – it´s all on the menu this workshop. We will learn and use tools to find our own Essence of Balance in any situation life or your body throws at you. And we promise a good time! All levels of yogi´s are warm welcome! C U on the mat! Dick & Cecilia Come join us Sunday, April 2nd, 14.00 – 17.00  in Movement Studio Haarlem You will have two internationally certified …

Yoga Workshop 11/3 – Relax, Flow, Rejuvenate

Yoga Workshop  –  Relax, Flow, Rejuvenate In this flowing yoga workshop we will go from relaxation, to flow, to rejuvenation through a blend of breath, mind work and physical postures right back to relaxation. We will experience the connection between the three, realizing where one flows in to the other and why all three of them are actually in a sense one and the same. No matter where you are on your yoga journey, taking the first or the 1001st step or anywhere in between – warm welcome to this workshop! Where: EVA`Z Yoga & Pilates, Herenweg 89, Heemstede When: Saturday 11/3 13.30 – 16.30 How much: EUR 37 :- Who´s teching: Cecilia Götherström – Sign up: / 06-46157019

Yoga Workshop in Haarlem, 3/3

Yoga Workshop – Sun Salutations, Flow, Seuqencing Friday,  March 3rd, 18.30 – 21.30, Haarlem Sun salutations. There seem to be so many out there… And on top of that; How the h….k do I make mindful transitions from one asana/pose to the next ? How do I find strength in Chaturanga / Plank? How can I love Urdvha Mukha Svanasana / Up Dog and reach those relaxed shoulders, open chest and strong legs all in one? Adho Mukha / Downward Dog what? How is it actually supposed to feel? What is it good for? Where is the correlation between flow in yoga asanas/ postures and in the life I live? Is it all just a myth or can I find my own truth and path in there? Yes, pranayama / flowing breath = physical strength, mental focus and peace of mind in one. I have heard that. But how? Home practice…. Seems like such a hurdle to roll that mat out at home… How do I start ? So many questions… and you might have …

Food and Mood seminar

Food & Mood

Sunday we held our 3rd seminar / Health Food Brunch in the Yummy, Fun And Healthy Living seminar series at MICA´s Coffee bar in Haarlem –  us being Stephanie from Appetit Voyage and me. We would like to thank all of you who attended as well as Annemarie and Sophie for another morning of amazing food, drinks and atmosphere at their beautiful coffee bar. The main idea behind these Health Food Brunches and Seminars is that people get together , bringing any questions they could possibly have when it comes to food, nutrition and health and we are there to answer them all. We start the morning off with a theme to get the conversations and questions going, while staying open to being flexible to what the need is of the participants. This time the kick off topic was ”Food & Mood”. Up until recently most research in the field of ”Food & Mood” has been focused on the brain – the hormones and chemicals there which are supporting or even creating the way we …

30/10 Yoga Workshop – Your Body As Your Teacher

  Sunday 30/10 13.00 – 16.00 EVA`Z Yoga & Pilates, Heemstede Aches, pains, loss of energy, hyper activity, not enough sleep, too much sleep and more – it is our body letting us know that something is out of skew. Most of us know that already ;-). How do we practice and re-learn how to listen to what comes after that signal – our body telling us what the need is? Your body is your teacher. Always. And as all of us know – some teachers are gentle, guiding and nudging while others are bossy and pushy. Your body is all of that as a teacher, so that we don´t have to go to that place of uncomfort again. And most importantly, so that we can open up to that comfort that is actually possible anywhere, anytime. Welcome to join me in this workshop , for all levels of yogi´s, where we dive in to the theme ”Your Body As Your Teacher”. See you at  EVA´Z on the 30th of November! Investment: EUR 35 :- …

27/10 – Just for the guys ; Cooking & Nutritional workshop – “ManFood”

Food, beer, Vikings & Warriors 😉   We have been teaching cooking and nutritional workshops, holding seminars,  arranging trips for 6 years now under the umbrella of Yummy, Fun and Healthy Living. Having seen the trend in commercials the past years, in media, in training for you guys and more  a question arose as we were planning the next line of workshops, which was “what about the guys??!!” So, it is time for a workshop for the men out there! What about those trends, myths and ideas rolling around lately that we are all cavemen and need to eat like a caveman? And if we do, what did a caveman really eat? How did a caveman really live and move? What about the modern cave-men, the one who likes his beer – the Viking and Warrior-part, which came slightly later than the caveman? How can he live Healthily ever after while still having a Fun life? What food stuff makes a man feel like a man and what food stuff does the opposite? In this …

Yoga Workshop : The World Upside Down – A Different Perspective ;-)

As children we learn about life through play. As adults we quite often tend to take life too seriously. When we do, play is a great way to ”snap us out of it”, gives us a new perspective. And we all know there is nothing more refreshing than a different perspective. OK then, maybe a fresh sea breeze as well 😉 Welcome to join us in this playful Inversions Workshop – with a sea breeze if the weather allows, indoors if that breeze is too refreshing. You will have two internationally certified Vijnana Yoga teachers guiding you through our journey in a safe, professional, caring and also fun way to whatever inversion and new perspective your own destination may be this very Sunday morning. Dick and Cecilia have both been studying, teaching, practicing and laughing together for 11 years now, nationally and internationally. Saturday 14th of  May Place: At the beach just at the end of the Boulevard southbeach Zandvoort aan Zee-if the weather is nice, otherwise: Pilates Studio Haarlem- Kinderhuissingel 4E Time: 14.00- 17.00h Investment: € 45,- …