All posts filed under: Yoga

Be your own Valentine, een workshop achteroverbuigen met Cecilia

– Workshop met Chocoladegarantie! – zaterdag 10 februari 2024 van 13:30 tot 16:00 uur bij Faraja Yoga in Hoofddorp Welkom bij onze yoga workshop “Achteroverbuigen”! Op deze bijzondere zaterdagmiddag nodigen we je uit om jezelf te omarmen, liefde te cultiveren en je hart wijd open te stellen voor de positieve energie om je heen. De workshop begint met een warm welkom en een rustige meditatie om je te helpen in het hier en nu te komen. Laat de stress van de week los en concentreer je op het verkennen van je innerlijke zelf. Eenmaal gegrond, nemen we je mee op een reis van beweging en ademhaling, geleid door Cecilia. Achteroverbuigingen in yoga staan centraal in deze workshop. We zullen samen werken aan het openen van het borstgebied. Met zorgvuldig gekozen houdingen en sequenties, leren we hoe we spanning in de rug en schouders kunnen verminderen en ruimte kunnen creëren in het hartgebied. Dit proces van fysieke openheid vertaalt zich vaak naar emotionele en spirituele openheid, waardoor je jezelf toestaat liefde en positiviteit te ontvangen en …

108 Sun Salutations, 25/6 2022

Practicing 108 sun salutations at the equinoxes is an ancient practice in the yogic tradition.   Most ancient traditions  actually have some sort of practice and / or ceremony during the equinoxes.   I must say that to me the practice of the 108 sun salutations does feel like a moving meditation, like a moving mantra, like a moving prayer, like a moving ceremony.   It is a beautiful way to step in to a new chapter, a new intention, while leaving the old behind, step by step, finishing the practice with a true feeling of renewal.   We are honouring these traditions and practicing the 108 sun salutations together on “Midsummer” which falls on Friday the 24th of June this year of 2022, at Solid Performance in Cruquius.   And you are warmly invited to join!   If the weather permits we might even be able to practice outdoors.   A full practice session of 108 sun salutations themselves takes around one and a half hour. We all keep the same pace of the …

An Invitation to Practice

Yoga is about finding your inner light, about soaring from within. Soaring on the wings of change, as change is the only constant – in our lives, on this planet, in this universe, in every breath. Yet there is something which is unchanging, which is light, there underneath the layers. I would like to  invite you to come practice with me. Come join me on this inner quest, peeling off the layers, revealing the diamond inside. Cecilia

Zoom Yoga Classes

Tuesday PM and Sunday AM Ho,ho,ho! ????‍♀️? We are back in a “heavy lockdown”. Which means the yoga lessons are back on Zoom. Including a recording. So should you wish to follow the lesson again you can, and/or should you wish to participate but it does not work out time wise you can use the recording later. All levels of yogis are welcome! The following classes are now scheduled, just send me a DM, email or What’s App to join! Sun 19/12 09.30 – 10.45 Tues 28/12 19.30 -20.45 Sun 2/1 09.30 -10.45 Tues 4/1 19.30 -20.45 Sun 9/1 09.30 -10.45 Tues 11/1 19.30 -20.45 Warm welcome to join! Love, hugs and sparkles! ??✨?

Masterclass Head & Shoulderstand

Friday 5/11 19.00 – 21.00 in Cruquius   Warm welcome to the first of a series of Master Classes to be held at the gorgeous Solid Performance in Cruquius! These Master Classes are for all levels of yogis, whether you are a beginner or more seasoned. In this particular Master Class we will work towards head & shoulder stand. Every yoga class, master class, workshop always contains the same important ingredients which are needed for a complete practice – sitting/meditation, pranayama/breathing, asanas/postures, savasana/relaxation, and yoga philosophy. Every time we get together it is interactive, and always room for questions and more indepth explanations. Looking foward to seeing you Friday the 5th of November in Cruquius! To sign up, please email or What´s App: +31-6-46157019 Investment: EUR 22:- Address: Spieringweg 700, Cruquius

Yes! Yoga Outdoors is back!

“All good things come to those who wait”, is an ancient saying. Well, we have all had the time to realize what good things we miss and what things we might not need that badly any more ;-). One of those good things to wait for to hear for me has been those words again that we at least are allowed to start teaching Yoga outdoors again with a group larger than four people. That good thing arrived this week. We have this gorgeous and huge field at Solid Performance in Cruquius that we have been invited to utilize for the yoga classes, so I am beyond delighted to welcome you all from this coming Sunday and then every Sunday  morning at 9.30 – 11.30. In case of wet weather we do have access to a spot which is roofed, yet open. Contact me via email or What’s App if you would like to attend. 06-46157019 All levels of yogis are welcome, we are already a great mix of different levels from beginners to …

Merry Everything and Happy Livestreams

We are getting used to these fast changes of moving outdoors a bit more freely to locking down slightly, then moving again, then locking down totally, moving again, not moving…. Or maybe we are not getting used to it ;-)? Either way, the flow of what we call life has been disrupted, shook up, changed and totally put on its head. All we can do is breathe and ask ourselves what the ancient wisdom teachings are saying, often quoted by many inlcuding one of my teachers Gregg Braden “Is this the best I have to offer in this moment?” Of course that saying goes for what you have to offer yourself as well as the world around you, as they are both interconnected, intertwined. We are not separate from the world around us, neither is it separate from us. Which is why we are being effected by what happens around us. But, it also means that what you do and decide to do with your own energy, your own self, your own being, your own energy …

Sunday 15/11 Livestream Yoga & New Moon Ceremony

Dearest Yogi’s, Thank you for connecting and practicing through Zoom Sunday last week ! It was gorgeous to see so many countries connected again ! This Sunday morning 9.30 am CET LiveStream lesson will stay a weekly class until we are allowed to meet live in the studios again. From then on I will keep teaching a monthly LiveStream class for all of us who internationally connect in these classes and would like to keep connecting as well as keeping a steady home practice. More details on that class will follow. This coming Sunday – November 15th – we have the New Moon coinciding with our practice. So it just seems natural toinclude a small New Moon ceremony or ritual, one that you can use for yourself every New Moon. Nothing large or time consuming, it will be woven in to the class. We will also focus on the postures that have a more “celestial” connection – like the sun salutations, a part of the moon salutations, the balancing postures of Ardha Chandrasana – half moon -, Parivrtta …

Sunday morning Yoga Livestream

Sunday mornings @ 9.30 am CET starting this week Sunday, November 8th, Studio Stark is offering a Livestream Yoga lesson of 75 minutes via Zoom. 9.30 – 10.45. Here in The Netherlands we have entered in to our second Lockdown, and in many other countries the same is or has already happened. Now our yoga practice is more important than ever. To stay healthy. To hold your own space in your own home. To just have a moment to land, breathe and connect with that inner stability you do inhabit. The practice will be recorded for everyone joining – you will receive a link the same day to download the lesson to your own computer so that you can practice again any time you want. If you cannot join the lesson but would like the recording that is possible too, just let me know! Warm welcome to join! Drop me an email on or send a What’s App message on +31 6 46157019 if you would like to join. Quite a few of you have cards …

Yoga Workshop Outdoors, Backbends , Sat 8/8

Close to 3 weeks ago we had the first of  three in The Outdoors Yoga Workshops Summer 2020 Series. It was a gorgeous, gorgeous day and the energy was amazing. I am so grateful for the energy shared, the moments, the practice, and this magic space we have in Cruquius for these workshops and the weekly Sunday morning lessons. Do check the photos from the workshop and some from the regular Sunday morning classes below to get a sense of the energy and atmosphere. And guess what? –  Soon it is workshop time again!! We have two more Outdoors Yoga Workshops on the agenda in August; Aug 8th – backbends Aug 22nd  – inversions (head and shoulderstand) Warm, warm welcome to join one or both of them! The first one up is the backbends workshop; We will build up gently through meditation, pranayama & vayu’s (breathing & aligning) , moving in to a flowing practice preparing us for the backbends. We will spend some time really enjoying and learning all sorts and levels of backbends. And of course …